Monday, July 2, 2012

Early Auckland History

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Do you know about - Early Auckland History

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This site is on the early history of Auckland and is particularly dedicated to those early auckland settlers and pioneers who made the risky travel from the other side of the world to resolve in Auckland, New Zealand. In singular it is dedicated to my own ancestors who were early settlers in Auckland and helped create the early history of Auckland.

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How is Early Auckland History

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Auckland had a great Maori history and settlement prior to white settlement. Just walking colse to the many volcanic cones of the city one can see the many kumura pits, terracing and other signs of what were once great hill pahs (forts). By 1840 these no longer existed and the area was relatively vacant. In fact some local Maori invited and sold land to Europeans in the hope of obtaining security from added violent wars from tribes of the North. The crown would later overturn these land deals for its own benefit. Prior to 1840 most Europeans settling in New Zealand lived in the Wellington area (approx. 1600) where a settlement was established by the New Zealand company and in Northland at Russell (about 600) and colse to the Bay of Islands. Few would have incredible that Auckland would become the pre-emienant city in New Zealand with only 2 white settlers in the Waitemata at this time.

Hobson's Choice.

All that was to convert when in 1840 Governor Lt. William Hobson chose the isthmus as the site of his future capital. With fertile volcanic soils, twin habours, rivers to the North and South and a good atmosphere it was an inspired choice. 3000 acres were brought from the local Maori chiefs - the Ngati Whatua. The Crown paid £341 for the original land handed over for the settlement (3000 acres). Six months later, just 44 acres of that land was resold by the Government to settlers for £24,275. (not a bad profit and this same 'crown/state' expects the tax payer today to fork out to resolve Maori land claims, the irony is not lost on this writer). Shortly the first ship the Platina arrived from Wellington with Hobsons pre-fab. House (Mannning Frame House) and 3 days later the Anna Watson from the Bay of Islands arrived with the first group of internal settlers. At 1:00pm on Friday 18th day of September 1840 Captain Symonds, also a chief Magistrate raised the Union Jack, both ships fired their guns and Auckland was founded.
At first living in raupo huts and tents these 'mechanics' (tradesmen) and officials (government bureaucrats) began to build the beginnings of a town.

The other side of the world.

Imagine now if you will you are on the other side of the world. You resolve you are sick of living in crowded impovised conditions in Scotland. Thanks to the composition of many factors along with industrialisation, the throwing of population off lands, and addition birth rate, there are now large overcrowded slums. You hear of the opportunities that exist on the other side of the world, new lands with man eating natives. To get there you will have to spend at least 3 months on a sailing ship and you have no guarantee you will get there. Ships sunk on a quarterly basis and even if the vovage was without incident you had a 1 in 15 opportunity of not making it to your destination (given on mean on a ship of 300 persons almost 20 died on the way, I don't think many of us would get on a 747 if given those odds). Perhaps now we should have a greater respect for those early white settlers. Not only would the trip be dangerous, on coming only hard work awaited.

Despite this 306 settlers got onto the Duchess of Argyle and 255 onto the Jane Gifford and left Greenock Scotland for Auckland and an uncertain future. They arrived in Auckland 16 weeks later on the October 8th 1842. The Duchess of Argyle arrived first but got stuck on a sandbank and the Jane Gifford sailed past, it wasn't until the following day with the high tide that the Duchess of Argyle's passengers made landfall. With the coming of the first overseas immigration ship the settlement verily took off. Despite Sir Logan Campbells view that these new arrivals with not of the rich capitalist class Auckland needed for investment, in truth these were just the kind of population Auckland needed, mean plebs, hard working tradesman, farmers, labourers and artisans, population with the primary skills to create a useful economy. (On the Duchess of Argyle a young 10 year old Robert Laing had arrived with his mum Anne McDonell Laing Cox and his step-father to begin a new life and so one of my ancestors became a first settler and helped build Auckland. He would die in 1925 aged 92 during which time he had lived to see Auckland become New Zealand's major city.)
These were the first of many more overseas immigrants who would help swell Aucklands population, along with the fact these early immigrants themselves had large families.

What was early Auckland like?

By 1852 Auckland was a town with its own society. A population of 4,500 in the town itself and someone else 3,500 listed in the borough in surrounding farmlands.

Despite its relatively small size it determined itself as having a primary society. As the seat of government it had numerous government officials as well as the seat of most of the churches, along with Bishopricks of N.Z (Church of England) and of Rome (Catholic) and the Seat of the Missionary society's pacific operations & the Wesleyan Mission as well. One should remember at this time in history churches still had a tremendious work on over the lifes of population and had large resources at their disposal to withhold missionary work throughout the pacific.

As well as these there was the army with its officers, artillery, engineers. At this time the New Zealand fencible settlers were arriving in Auckland bringing in someone else 2,500 settlers between 1847 - 1852 (these were retired soldiers (721 in total) who volunteered for New Zealand on the health they gave part-time army service in return for a 2 room bungalow and an acre of land, they are now estimated to have over a quarter of a million descendants). They were brought to Auckland to help defend it against a inherent Maori invasion from the strong Waikato tribes. Fencible villages included Howick, Onehunga, Panmure, and Otahuhu.

(On the Inchinnan which arrived on 27th May 1852 was a John McNeil and his house who settled in Howick, Auckland and so began someone else field of my house tree, one of his sons would effect the solider tradition and fight in the Waikato War).

In this small society there were many comings and goings. Soliders posted to elsewhere in the British empire, new settlers, others who 'cleared out' choosing Auckland was not for them, visiting ships and sailors, merchants and others who travelled the world. There was no landed gentry, not alot of old persons, and no old settled families and less formality as had been in England. In fact there was the starting of a new society, a classless society that the whole of New Zealand was growing into, not they had fully realised this yet. Consider this quote from the New Zealander "Pretension and assumption are fast seen through, and valued at their worth. Rank, station, fortune, house connection, unless supported by character, ability, communal spirit or liberality, receive but small respect." This was going to be a city where who you were and what you did and achieved mattered more than inherited wealth and titles. Despite this servants were in great demand. One of the problems for 'ladies' was the mystery in getting and retaining trained servants. One of the problems being with the lack of females in the colony they were enduringly poached away by getting married and taking on new domestic duties.

Auckland was said to have no religious or political bickering, and that any dispute could be aired in the two local newspapers, the New Zealander and the Southern Cross, which were published twice weekly.

Fashion was very much as it was in England though 'delayed' somewhat, and the clothes whilst the same designs tended to be made out of lighter fabrics like cotton due to New Zealand's warm atmosphere (remember most of these population had come from England, Ireland and Scotland), with other changes like straw hats. It must have been difficult to keep clean with all the roads being dirt. Houses were small wooden cottages, or raupo huts. Few stone buildings of note yet existed and converyance was by boat or horse.

Aucklanders didn't see a great city taking shape before them at this stage, Auckland only 12 years old and was seen as a watering hole to replenish ships, supplies, people, etc.

In such a small town one of the many activities was 'gossip' as this quote from the New Zealander 2/6/1852 states "New comers, especially those who have had no caress of the "tittle-tattle", common, all the world over, in small communities, are struck with the prevalence of "gossip". But seeing that it is "neighbour's fare" - that it is no respecter of persons - thats its equal pressure in all directions destroys its force - they soon become almost as unconscious of its existence as of the air they breath".

In Summer once a week the Regimental Band played on the well kept lawns of government house (now site of Auckland University) for a consolidate of hours. society had 3 to 4 balls. And once a year to celebrate the Queens Birthday (Victoria), the Governor would throw a ball and invite 200 of the most prominent people. Families went on picnics, with boating, bush walking, horse riding being the favourite outdoor activities, and for the more adventuress trips to the Island of Kawau, or to the the Waikato and the lakes of Rotorua awaited. Also beloved were school feasts, lectures, and stitcheries. For the sporting minded there was an every year race meeting and cricket matches. Of great point was the Auckland Regatta (still going strong) in which sailing craft of all types took part, there was even a races for native canoes, one for no more than 12 natives, and one for unlimited numbers.

Regarding living standards Auckland was determined an charge place to live with rents being duplicate of a similar sized place in England. However wages were somewhat better, particularly servants wages which were double. There were no rates, taxes or dues of any kind (what happened?!). Clothing was more expensive, but wine, spirits and groceries were cheaper. Fish was plentiful and cheap, (although they complained about the quality, not having refined their english tastes to our local varieties yet). Bread and Butchers meat were about the same price as in England. Vegetables were abundant and Maori Natives brought in huge quantities of furnish via canoe - 20 tons of onions, over 100 tons of potatoes, as well as corn, cabbages, kumera and peaches. (This trade was brought to a crushing halt by the Waikato wars). For the gardener peaches, strawberry, apples and figs, melons, plums, pears, gooseberries and cherries could be grown easily.

Living in the countryside was determined cheap, but living standards were basic, a raupo hut (brought for 10 pounds), a consolidate of pigs and chickens, wheat, potatoes, pumpkins and a house cow were determined adequate to live on.

In fact Auckland was determined a good place to live with no beggars and the mean population eating meat at least twice a day. For the mean settler, life had become much great than back 'home'. If urgency befell them their neighbours would pitch in to help.

Crime was determined rare and on reading the papers they commonly published the results of 'police court', e.g. Two persons charged with being drunk, one for swearing, one for parking their cart as to block a road, would be a suitable weeks matters. Capital punishment was still available but rarely needed.

Local relationships with the Maori were determined excellent at this stage, being a salutary trade between the two peoples, food as mention before brought from Maori farmers (normally communal farms), and horses, boats, imported goods, flour mills being brought in turn by the Maori. added they provided a source of cheap labour. It was not uncommon to see numerous maori canoes in whether habour. Maori were seen to be "Good humored, ever ready to enjoy a joke, and a laugh, and all the time appearing self satisfied and contented." (The New Zealander). Past battles and deaths were seen as a thing of the past (how wrong they were).

One of the most prominent events was the coming of a ship. Auckland habour was a center of trade and of vital point to the increase of the city. With the coming of a ship came the much appreciated letters from home and news of the world (abet already 3-6 months old). Such was this incredible that a large crowd would wait covering the post office for it to open. added with the ships came primary imported goods and in turn goods were exported to the world, in singular wheat and wood to Sydney, Tin and whale products.

With the coming of added immigrants Auckland prolonged to grow. From the original settlers by 1860 there were 8,000 in the city and 14,000 in the surrounds, by 1880 both those numbers had doubled, by the turn of the century those numbers had doubled again to 38,000 in the city and 68,000 in the metropolitan area. Merchants grew and with the seeing of Gold in Victoria and then in Thames wealth was brought into the region and back by gold miners. Imports and exports prolonged to grow as did the point of the habour and surrounding industries.

Sailing ships of all sorts, brigs, barques, clippers and even the new steam ships made quarterly calls to auckland.

Most internal converyance was on dirt or metaled roads via horse and cart, though finally railways and tramways were laid.

Important structures like the customs house, post office and others were made of stone and were multi-storied and gave Auckland the feel of a large town.

Merchants such as Samuel Cochrane who had immigrated from the United States of S.Cochrane and sons build up company and spread into auctioneering, boat transport, mining and much more. (Another early ancestor of mine).

As Auckland prolonged to grow a multitude of problems emerged. As can be seen in the above picture roads were dirt. Ineffective local government, funding problems and a lack of basic planning meant some of the basics we take for granted today were not available. Early water came from what is now the duck ponds in the Auckland Domain and then western springs, but it wasn't until the first dam was established in the Waitakere's in 1907 that the first reliable and ability water began to flow though the pipes. Likewise electricity began in 1908.

Soon would come motor cars would come and they would convert the face of Auckland. Roads and Motorways would turn Auckland from a city into an urban spawl, particularly after the second world war.

Old Auckland prolonged to grow and to convert over the years, old businesses went and new ones started. In fact much of old Auckland would be unrecognisable to the modern Aucklander. Take this view of Queen street with the Town Hall taken in 1923. Everything else in the picture has changed greatly. The Aotea quadrilateral now fills most of this picture and the street going up the other side of the town hall is gone. buildings such as the town hall and the customs house make more sense in their original context for which they were built.

One should remember for the much of the last century much of Auckland was farmland. As seen from this 1912 view from One Tree Hill passed Manukau Road towards Hillsborough. This same scene now would be a mass of houses. What will it look like in someone else hundred years time? (see original webpage)

Short bio on some of my early Auckland ancestors and pioneers -

Robert James Laing - arrived on the first immigrant ship the Duchess of Argyle, became a sailor, ropemaker, Justice of the Peace, Lay preacher and 'gentleman'. Buried amongst the earliest settlers in the Symonds street Cementary.

John McNeil - He was recruited in 1823 at Inverness into the 91st Reg. At the age of 17yrs (underage) for one year without pay. From 1824-1831 the reg. Served in Jamaica, the conditions resulting in constant deaths from yellow fever. The reg. Was relieved and returned to England months before the slave rebellion in 1831. On the 5th Jan 1835 John married Catherine ColClough nee McGrath. He was whether corporal or Sergeant at this time. After someone else move to St. Helena he was promoted to corporal but was court marshalled and reduced to the ranks. The payment was over charging in the companys account book. In 1842 the reg. Served time at the cape of good Hope but John was unfit on account of his rheumatism and respiratory problems, so his return to England was recommended and he was duly discharged. Age. 39yrs his heigh 5'7", dark hair, grey eyes and sallow complexion. The consolidate resolve in New Ross, Wexford, Ireland where two children were born, Eliza.b.1839, Alexander b.1847. In 1851 they arrived in Nz with baby John b. 1849 and settled in Howick in Waterloo Road. John was granted his land in 1858 at Howick, which he transferred to his widowed daughter Eliza Stuart in 1879. John also purchase 6 arces near pigeon mountain which he later sold. Catherine went to live with her sons at Coromandel until 1886 when she passed away.

They Were Fencible Settlers.

Samuel Cochrane's Obituary

On Sunday Morning at 3 o'clock Mr Samuel Cochrane, the well known auctioneer breathed his last at his son's residence, Remuera. Though not belonging to what may be regarded as the old identities the founders of Auckland, Mr Cochrane was a very old resident in the Auckland District. He has reside amongst us about 21 years, and during that time has been an active and useful man of business. He was born in New York in the year 1815 during a short house of his parents in that city and was thus in the 6th year of age. On the return of his parents to Ireland he was brought up in the vicinity of Londonderry and was there engage in the linen-trade. He subsequently settled in Montreal and there carried on company for a amount of years. Hearing of the more genial atmosphere of Auckland from some relatives of his who had settled here Mr. Cochrane was induced to cast in his lot amongst us in the year 1858. during the greater part of his house here he has earned on the company of auctioneer and land agent, and gathered an ample business, which his sons carry on still.

From 1860 to 1863 Mr. Cochrane took a very active part in developing the mineral resources of the Coromandel district, in connection with Mr Keven, Michael Wood and others. With this object in view he purchased from the government the steamer sandfly, after great known by the name of the Tasman Maid, which he ran in the coromandel trade for a amount of years. He was also the primary owner of the steamer Waitemata now known as the company no. 2, which was at first intended for the purpose of opportunity up quarterly steam transportation with the North shore, whau, hobsonville, etc. His other and last company in connection with steam was the Ss Jane, in the early days of the Thames Goldfields. Mr Concrane's object in these discrete ventures was the advancement of the auckland district and to gather fast and quarterly steam transportation between this city and the discrete districts. In political life Mr Cochrane took petite part. For a short time he ahd the hnour of a seat in the Provincial council, but he seemed to delight in more practical work than conducting debates in the council chamber. On one opportunity we think in 1863 he received a extra vote of thanks of the provincial council for his offer to contribute them with accommodation in which to carry on the company of the province. He was chosen in connection with Mr. T. Cheeseman as a commissioner to resolve the recompense claims which arose in regard to the auckland and drury railway.

In reference to the political which Mr. Cochrane occupied it may be meintioned that he was a member of the first harbour board that was premium for Auckland. Expand of the Drury Coal mines. He also started a wool-scouring preparation at the whan and he owned the prince alfed battery, grahamstown. during a short visit back to Ireland he was granted the post of Nz emigration agent for the north of Ireland. He premium many colonists for Nz. He died of cancer of the bladder. The great fund of humour which he possessed was often times exhibited while discharging his duties as an auctioneer. He was altogether an exemplary and energetic citizen.

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