Wednesday, July 4, 2012

High School Wrestling: Weight Lifting Options

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Weight lifting (i.e. Resistance training) is merely one component of the conditioning that a wrestler needs to do to put in order for competition. Nonetheless, it's an extremely leading component.

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How is High School Wrestling: Weight Lifting Options

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Resistance training is indispensable because it can growth one's strength, power, and endurance. Resistance training not only increases muscular strength, it also works the ligaments and tendons that are connecting bones and muscles thereby reducing the opportunity that they become injured when participating in wrestling. In addition, resistance training increases bone density which may keep you from developing stress fractures. The supreme vigor and conditioning coach Dan John writes, "I've come to enumerate building muscle as 'armor building' for the sport athlete.

With so many weight lifting options out there, what is a wrestler to do? possibly you've seen television infomercials for P90X and have been tempted to try it. Maybe you've looked at bodybuilding routines in magazines like Flex, Muscle and Fitness, and Iron Man. Maybe you've even looked at a copy of Powerlifting Usa. Some of you may have watched Olympic Weightlifting when the Olympics are televised. Looking a man clean and a jerk a huge estimate of weight is very impressive.

But, what is best for a wrestler?

First, I would like to mention a man named Tudor Bompa. Bompa states, "Strength training programs for sports must identify that practically each sport involves different and specific muscle groups. These muscles are called 'prime movers' or the muscles performing the actual technical moves. Therefore, vigor training exercises have to target the prime movers." The sport of wrestling involves a lot of pulling. You pull your opponent's legs while a takedown. You pummel and fight for position. This is why exercises designed to enlarge the muscles that help you pull are undoubtedly important. Your biceps, shoulders, and back muscles are all leading for pulling strength. You also need grip vigor for hand fighting and securing holds. You need hip and leg vigor throughout a wrestling match. Therefore, focus on exercises that enlarge those singular muscles.

You may also want to think either it's off-season or in-season training. That's where the understanding of periodization comes into play.

Well, that still leaves the query of what the best resistance training plan is for a wrestler.

Let's discover some of the options.

High Intensity Training (Hit)

High Intensity Training (Hit) was popularized in the 1970s by Arthur Jones, the founder of Nautilus. Hit usually involves doing only one set of a singular rehearsal as opposed to multiple sets. This one set is done in a slow and controlled manner. One performs the set until he can't possibly do other rep. In other words, he trains until muscular failure. This is believed to build muscular vigor and size. Hit workouts are usually brief and intense and done only two to three times per week. Champion bodybuilders Dorian Yates and Mike Mentzer were Hit advocates. Other Hit advocates include Matt Brzycki, Ellington Darden, Ken Leistner, and Drew Baye.

Hit workouts are ideal if you are busy and have minute time to train because they are brief (i.e. 30 minutes or less). However, some believe that always working to failure with minute sets has many drawbacks. There seems to be much consider about either ones set or multiple sets yield greater vigor gains. Studies have shown one set to be just as effective as three sets. Other studies have shown this not to be true. So, you may want to do some research before doing Hit. Some athletes have experienced great success utilizing Hit workouts so it may be worth a try.

Bill Starr 5x5 Training

Bill Starr was the vigor coach to the Baltimore Colts when they won the Super Bowl in 1970. He was the vigor coach at any Us universities. He was also a Us Olympic weightlifting champion and national narrative owner in powerlifting and Olympic lifting.

Starr focused on what he called The Big Three - the bench press, the squat, and the power clean. You can find different versions of his workout online.

As you can see, Starr's agenda used five sets of five repetitions. The workout also complex heavy, medium, and light days. Although he may be related with football, his training will undoubtedly work for wrestling. Starr is a legend in the field of vigor and conditioning.


Powerlifting is a vigor sport that involves three lifts - the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Powerlifters usually achieve multiple heavy sets of low repetitions, focusing on vigor and power as opposed to size. These three lifts are all good for wrestling. But, doing only those three lifts may not meet all of your needs. And, focusing only on heavy weights and low reps may not be best if done exclusively.

5/3/1 Workout

This vigor building routine was advanced by old powerlifter Jim Wendler. The 5, 3 and 1 refer to repetitions. The 5/3/1 workout involves basic multi-joint lifts. Wendler states, "The bench press, parallel squat, deadlift, and standing press have been the staples of any strong man's repertoire. Those who ignore these lifts are generally the habitancy who suck at them. If you get good at those, you'll get good at other stuff, as they have such a huge carryover." according to the T Nation website, along with the bench press, squat, shoulder press, and deadlift, 5/3/1 includes assistance exercises to build muscle, forestall injury, and generate a balanced physique. Wendler's favorites are strength-training staples like chin-ups, dips, lunges, and back extensions.

Power to the People/Pavel Tsatsouline

Pavel Tsatsouline has written a few books one of which is entitled Power to the People: Russian vigor Training Secrets for Every American. Paevel isn't fond of Hit or bodybuilding.

Pavel states, "if you look at the training of the strongest habitancy in the world, be it weightlifters, powerlifters, strongmen, whatever, there's one universal truth. They always lift heavy, in terms of ration of one rep max, they always keep their repetitions low, and they never, ever train to failure." His workout promises vigor without bulk.

Pavel doesn't care how much you can bench. The estimate you can bench is irrelevant to your wrestling abilities. Pavel states, "Unless you are training purely for looks, you must focus on the vigor needed for your sport, job, or lifestyle. When I got the contract from the state of New Mexico to institute new vigor tests for their opt special Weapons And Tactics Teams, I did not discover the bench press or curls, but enforced ten pull-ups, ten rock bottom one-legged squats, and ten hanging leg raises." Pavel is about functional strength. Pavel also likes to do "ladders." For example, you do one push up, rest a second, do two push-ups, rest briefly again, do three push-ups, and so on. You work your way up the ladder until it starts getting difficult. Then you can rest and do other ladder.

You can some of his interviews, workouts, and articles online.

Density Training

Density training involves doing more work in the same estimate of time or the same estimate of work in a shorter period of time. For example, you could rest less between sets or achieve more reps in the same estimate of time.

According to Tom Venuto, some benefits of density training include increased time efficiency of workout, increased intensity of workout, enhanced fat loss by burning more calories in same time period, enhancing post rehearsal calorie burn, and increased natural growth hormone release.

Density training is touted to improve strength, power, and unabridged conditioning. Density training could help you to growth your push-ups or pull-ups.

Some names related with density training are Charles Staley, Ethan Reeve, Bryce Lane, and Matt Wiggins. You can undoubtedly find articles about density training online.

Controlled Fatigue Training

Controlled Fatigue Training was advanced by Ori Hofmekler. Cft involves combining vigor and speed together in one workout. For instance, a Cft drill might involve running or sprinting with your hands in front of your face or stretched overhead. This is not as easy as it may sound. Cft is touted to make your muscle fibers stronger, faster, and tougher.

Every wrestler wants muscle fibers capable of generating and sustaining vigor for extended periods. A guy named Mike Westerdal wrote a narrative entitled The Warrior Physique: building the Hybrid Super Muscle you may want to check out. He states, "By combining cardio and resistance activities it causes the blend of muscles to transform from predominately type Ii or type Iib into Type Iii. By doing this, we are able to push beyond our genetic limits, much like the old Spartans, Gladiators and Vikings did."

You may want to research Cft and super hybrid muscle.

Circuits and Complexes

Circuits and complexes are very similar. You do a series of exercises, one after the other without resting. After you have completed a circuit or complex, you may take a short rest before you do other round. Circuits usually involve going from one rehearsal to the next with no rest. Complexes often involve barbells or dumbbells. The exercises in the complex are all done with the same weight and you don't stop until you've completed the complex.

Some names related with circuit training are Bob Gajda, Steve Maxwell, John McCallum, and Matt Wiggins.

You can find plentifulness of articles on circuit training online.

Steve Maxwell states this about circuit training, "This type of training is extremely demanding! Not only does it bring into play a fair estimate of muscular vigor and durableness but it creates huge systemic fatigue, which some habitancy have termed metabolic conditioning or met-con, for short. "

A name related with complexes is Istvan Javorek.

Here is an example of a barbell complex. This is Istvan Javorek's complex 1.

Barbell Upright Row x 6

Barbell High Pull Snatch x 6

Barbell Behind the Head Squat Push Press x 6

Barbell Behind the Head Good Morning x 6

Barbell Bent Over Row x 6

I wrote about High Intensity Interval Training (Hit) earlier. Well, Hit has its own twist on circuit training called 3x3 workouts. You do three exercises one after the other and repeat this sequence for three rounds. This is supposed to improve your metabolic conditioning.

Circuit training and complexes can be great for vigor and cardiovascular conditioning. These kind of workouts can time recovery as well. They may not be the best if your goal is in general building brute strength.

Bodyweight Training

Bodyweight training, of course, uses the weight of your body for resistance. You have probably performed push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, and dips before. But, have you ever done dive bomber push-ups, Hindu push-ups, hand stand push-ups, Hindu squats, or one-legged pistol squats before?

Some habitancy swear by bodyweight training. Others claim that barbells and dumbbells are better. Some say that resistance is resistance and it doesn't undoubtedly matter.

Some good bodyweight training books areCombat Conditioning by Matt Furey and The Naked Warrior by Pavel Tsatsouline.

If weight training isn't your thing but you like push-ups, pull-ups and climbing ropes then I say, "Go for it."

Body for Life

Body for Life was a book written by a man named Bill Phillips. He founded Muscle Media, a bodybuilding magazine as well as the Eas supplement company. You may have read or heard about Mrps (meal change products). Well, his firm produced one of the most popular.

Body for Life outlines an rehearsal and diet agenda aimed in general at habitancy trying to lose weight or naturally get in shape.

I've seen the Body for Life workout referred to as a half pyramid with a drop set and a superset. It's very easy to understand. For example, if you were going to work your chest, you would choose two exercises like the bench press and dumbbell flies. You would do five sets of bench presses. You would do one set of 12, 10, 8, 6, and 12 reps for the bench press. That final set of 12 reps on the bench is the drop set. Then, you would immediately do a set of 12 reps for dumbbell flies. That is the superset.

Pyramiding weights is nothing new. Drops sets and supersets are nothing new either. habitancy have undoubtedly used this workout to get stronger and more muscular.

Body for Life is more of a bodybuilding routine although it doesn't use an excessive estimate of sets. You work your upper body twice and your lower body once while the first week. The second week, you work your lower body twice and your upper body once. You continue to alternate each week. This keeps you from overtraining.

This is not the excellent workout for a wrestler by any means. But, it's great than sitting on your couch doing nothing. You can find this workout online.


Bodybuilders are primarily involved with size, proportion, and symmetry. They care in general about how their muscles look as opposed to either or not they are functional for a sport like wrestling. Bodybuilders endeavor to build mass (hypertrophy).

A bodybuilder may use a large estimate of exercises, sets, and repetitions to achieve the size and look he is seeking. A bodybuilder typically stays in the 10-12 rep range. But, does bodybuilding furnish any benefits for a wrestler?

Most wrestlers aren't trying to gain muscle mass. Wrestlers generally want to get stronger without gaining much weight. A wrestler doesn't undoubtedly care how defined his quadriceps are or how big his triceps are as long as he is strong, quick, and superior on the mat.

If you want to gain some muscle mass, then you might think doing some German Volume Training (10 sets of 10 reps) or some other bodybuilding agenda for a short time. But, don't hire bodybuilding training all year round.

Wrestlers undoubtedly needn't bother with dumbbell flies, triceps kickbacks, attentiveness curls, leg extensions, or other isolation exercises.

According to Professor Yuri Verkhoshansky, "In many sports, in many countries, bodybuilding is used to institute strength. This is a big mistake!" He goes on to write, "In sports where success is decided by split seconds and where victory hinges on speed of movement, power of muscular effort, and one's durableness for oppressive work, bodybuilding is not effective."

A wrestler needs a strong, functional body. Bodybuilding can make you bigger and stronger. However, you can get strong using great methods more superior to a wrestler. And, gaining muscular weight may be of minute value to you. Therefore, bodybuilding is probably not the best selection for a wrestler.

Strongman Training/Miscellaneous

Have you ever trained with a sledgehammer? Have you ever pulled nearby a weighted sled? Have you ever used a kettlebell, Indian clubs, Clubbells, or a Macebell? Well, it might be fun to try something new.

How Did I Train?

Unfortunately, I didn't know a lot about weight training back in high school.

At our high school we had an old Universal Weight Machine. Sometimes I would do a circuit nearby the machine, hitting each station one after the other. I might do the circuit a consolidate of times. I always enjoyed doing push-ups. At home, I had a bench and some weights. One summer, I followed a procedure my dad had called Bob Hoffman's Simplified ideas of Barbell Training. It naturally complex doing ten exercises of one set each. The exercises were forces presses, curls, rows, shrugs, and other multi-joint blend movements.

I wish I had known more about proper weight training. I was never undoubtedly organized when it came to my weight training.

I grew up on a farm in the Midwest, so I also performed a lot of physical labor like carrying bales of hay and pails of corn and building fences.


You may want to keep periodization in mind when designing a lifting routine. You may want to lift for strength, power, and durableness at different times. Or, you may want to try to build all three of these at the same time. So, research linear periodization and concurrent or conjugate periodization.


Well, I hope I have given you some options to think when designing your resistance training program. Resistance training is an leading component in your wrestling conditioning. You can consolidate different options as well. You can lift weights and do bodyweight training as well. Just be sure to include some type of resistance training so you will be strong, quick, and superior on the mat.

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